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Posts Tagged ‘Real estate trends’

Houses Are Still Selling Fast

Have you been thinking about selling your house? If so, here’s some good news. While the housing market isn't as frenzied as it was during the ‘unicorn’ years when houses were selling quicker than ever, they’re still selling faster...

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Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Home Prices

According to the latest data from Fannie Mae, 23% of Americans still think home prices will go down over the next twelve months. But why do roughly 1 in 4 people feel that way? It has a lot to do with all the negative talk about home pric...

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Home Price Forecasts Revised for 2023

Some Highlights Last year, some housing experts projected a decline in home prices by the end of 2023. But that didn’t happen – inventory was just too low. While it’s normal for experts to re-forecast throughout the yea...

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Why Median Home Sales Price Is Confusing Right Now

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is set to release its most recent Existing Home Sales (EHS) report tomorrow. This monthly release provides information on the volume of sales and price trends for homes that have previously bee...

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Housing Market Forecast for the Rest of 2023

Some Highlights Want to know what experts say will happen in the rest of 2023? Home prices are already appreciating again in many areas. The average of the expert forecasts shows positive price growth. Where mortgage rates go ...

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Key Housing Market Trends

Some Highlights If you’re considering buying or selling a home, you’ll want to know what’s happening in the housing market. Housing inventory is still very low, prices are climbing back up, and homes are selling fast wh...

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Homebuyers Are Still More Active Than Usual

Even though the housing market is no longer experiencing the frenzy that was so characteristic of the last couple of years, it doesn’t mean today’s market is at a standstill. In actuality, buyer traffic is still strong today. The Show...

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Homebuyers Are Getting Used to the New Normal

Before you decide to sell your house, it’s important to know what you can expect in the current housing market. One positive trend right now is homebuyers are adapting to today’s mortgage rates and getting used to them as the new normal...

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The Worst Home Price Declines Are Behind Us

If you’re following the news today, you may feel a bit unsure about what’s happening with home prices and fear whether or not the worst is yet to come. That’s because today’s headlines are painting an unnecessarily negative picture. C...

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