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Posts Tagged ‘landscaping’

Where Will You Go After You Sell?

If you’re planning to sell your house and move, you probably know there’s been a shortage of options available. But here’s the good news: the supply of homes for sale has grown in a lot of markets this year – and that’s not ju...

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What To Do When Your House Didn’t Sell

If your listing expired and your house didn’t sell, it’s totally natural to feel a mix of frustration and disappointment. And as you’re working through that, you’re probably also wondering what went wrong and what you should do next....

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Worried About Home Maintenance Costs? Consider This

If one of the main reasons you’re hesitant to buy a home is because you’re worried about the upkeep, here’s some information you may find interesting on both new home construction and existing homes (a home that’s been lived in by a...

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